We are a safe, professionally stocked, and comfortable environment for content production. Our team has crafted every element of every room to be both functional and beneficial to the creative process.

Our Approach

Keep the focus on the Artist, not the wallet or the clock.

Our goal is for you to make blackngold.studio your home. Generous time slots, artist friendly rates, and a friendly staff to help along the way.

Our Environment

The environment at blackngold.studio is truly one-of-a-kind. This space is crafted with the functionality of a professional recording environment with the comfort of a home studio.

We’ve heard:

Creative. Warm. Welcoming. Comfortable. Professional. Inspiring.

Hearing this feedback from our clients isn’t surprising. We crafted it this way.

As fellow musicians and artists, we understand the impact of your environment on your finished project. With that in mind we’ve made all our our rooms as accessible and inspiring as possible.

Our Services

blackngold.studio offers:

  • Short and long term rentals

  • Tracking (Drum room, vocal booth, ect.)

  • Recording Engineering

  • Mixing and Mastering

  • Media creation (photo shoots, video, live streaming)

Our Community

Collaboration is an essential part of the creative process. However, finding like minded artists is a real hurdle. To help, we’ve created multiple ways for you to find and work with all of the artists that have used the studio. We have a discord server, monthly email list, and lots of opportunities to sit in on a session to pick up a skill or two.

We’re creating something special here and would love for you to be a part of it. We’re here to help you create that song. We’re here to help you best every way we can.

Come create with us. We can’t wait to meet you.

Ready To Get to work?